Share, Research, Rate: Watches & Collections
A.I. Reviews v17.3 (Search by Metrics)
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Welcome! TheWatchMetrics seeks to provide watch lovers with useful analytics on watches and watch collections.
A.I. Ratings model updated January 2025.
Crowd Ratings based on Rate Watches & Rate Collections
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Updates to Site:
v17.3 (Feb 2025) - Can now search by watch and collection metrics.
v17.2 (Feb 2025) - Check out the new metrics bar charts that are being rolled out over the weekend across all pages on the site. The 'Metrics' in WatchMetrics!
Newly added watches and collections now link to their respective page on the site.
v16.1 (Jan 2025) - have been working on training/with better AI models over recent weeks and have just updated reviews on all watches and collections. These models will continue to be iterated upon and be periodically refreshed. Aim to launch new features that have been in development which will provide additional insights (and transparency) into watch and collection metrics over the coming weeks.
v9.0 (12/18/24) - Loading notification added. Watch database search feature completely fixed. Better guidance for collection search page.
v8.2 (11/28/24) - fixed bug that caused many watches to not show up in the watch search page. Now watches with missing fields (water resistance for example), default to 0 value.
v8.1 (11/23)/24) - Starting a series of changes to the site layout. Fixed bug to viewing collections (can now also search by a collection's average price).
v7.3 (Oct 2024) - AI reviews of Collections revised such that 9 of 10 metrics are in common + methodology for collection now includes range and not just average of watches.
v6.20 (9/17)/24) - AI review of watches has now been added to the site.
v5.3 (9/14/24) - am excited to add AI watch collection reviews to the site! The current AI review via (ChatGPT and MetaAI) will be iteratively refined over the coming months. Additional AI enabled features are in the works!
v3.5 (6/30/24) - cleaned up movement classification and also allow users to search for watches by country.
v3.4 (5/27/24) - revised collection and watch comparison pages to prioritize selection of items that have yet to be rated.
v3.3 (5/18/24) - fixed watch filter bug to now show all watches
v3.2 (4/18/24) - each collection page now has underlying watches enabled for click through on mobile.
v3.1 (4/7/24) - launched 'Collection Filter' (screening for collections) and also individual collection pages. Resolved bug that prevented many watches from not showing up in watch filter. Resolved display bug for collection descriptions.
v2.1.1 (2/2/24) - launching 'Watch Filter' (screening for watches) and 'Watch Pages' (Individual Watch Pages) . Testing and correcting for bugs.
v1.5.2 (9/24/23) - users not logged in are now able to vote for watch and collection match-ups (but at 1/10th the voting power of a member of WatchMetrics who is logged in. Corrected bug that allowed a few extremely high or low rating collections to not be rate-able.
v1.4 (8/11/23) - watches & collections being compared cannot be greater than 500 rating points apart.
v1.3 (8/5/23) - removed 7 and 9 watch collections to consolidate database.
Pictures of collections now open up upon being clicked on during comparison.
Page refresh speed for Compare Watches shortened to 5 seconds.
Watch review article/video links to be added for watches in the database.
v1.2 (6/29/23) - added options to certain watch features. Improved add watch collection mobile view. Allow collection photos to be opened up for better viewing/comparison.
v1.1 (6/24/23) - added "Rating Implied Price" to Watches; this is the $ value implied by the Current Rating for a given watch.
v1.0 (6/21/23) - launched website.